What it Does
DXtreme Monitor Log 14 lets you log stations
throughout the radio spectrum and take advantage of advanced features that
can make your radio and TV monitoring experiences more enjoyable.
When you're finished with this product summary,
take a tour with Eileen and
read our data sheet. They'll
tell you everything about the product and show you more screen shots.
Country Format
When starting a new database, you have your choice of country formats:
- NASWA Countries
- ARRL Entities
Schedule Checker
The Schedule Checker™ helps you find broadcast
stations to monitor. It imports Aoki, Aoki Userlist, EiBi, and FCC AM schedules, tells you
whether to monitor a station for a new or verified country, and has filters and sort
options to help you display information the way you want. A "Now" setting
lets you see what's on the air right now with automatic schedule refresh
Track Signal Modes and Transmission Modes
An editable Signal Modes module lets you log the modes to which your
receiver is tuned, either specified by you or inherited from rig control
(such as AM, CW, FM, LSB, USB, RTTY, etc.).
And the editable Transmission Modes module lets you log the modes stations
are transmitting (such as AM, CHIP, CONTESTI, CW , DOMINO, FAX, FM, FT4, FT8,
STANAG 4285, and more).
A Transmission Mode Details box lets you type free-form information
about the transmission mode received, such as baud rate, bandwidth, etc.
(i.e. 1200bps/L). This information will be also important to you and others,
and should be included when reporting reception.
Some transmission modes can be received on different signal modes, and it is
important to disclose the signal mode employed when reporting reception
that way, readers can reproduce your monitoring environment and log the station
Support for Grid Square Tracking
A Grid box and Auto Calc check box on the Monitor Log
window let you track Maidenhead grid squares when logging. The Maidenhead Grid
Square system is popular with ham radio operators, especially on VHF and UHF,
where VUCC rules regard contacts outside a DXCC entity (country) as valid, such as
maritime-mobile contacts.
Tracking grid squares is particularly useful when monitoring/logging
stations not located in traditional countries like aircraft and ships
operating in international airspace and waters. Both Performance and
Stations reports let you track grids. Search functions
let you find grid-based log entries for viewing or editing.
You can type grid squares manually or have Monitor Log 14 calculate them
automatically based on the coordinates entered in the Latitude and
Longitude boxes.

Rig Control
Rig Control is supplied via optional integration with Afreet
Omni-Rig and/or these popular SDR applications:
We connected an SDRplay RSP1 and RSPdx
to SDRuno, HDSDR, and SDR Console for testing during
development. Customers report using Airspy R2, SDRplay RSP1, RSP2, and RSPdx
plus Elad® FDM-S2 and FDM-DUOr receivers with FDM-SW2 software. See the rig control topics in the
Data Sheet for
more information about SDR integration.
Attractive, Uncluttered Yet Powerful User Interface
DXtreme Monitor Log has a powerful user interface with customizable
font attributes and foreground and background colors for data and text display,
making it easy to view schedules on the Schedule Checker, log entries on
the Last Log Entries grid, text in Content Tabs and
Script Editor windows, and data on Report and Module windows.
Reception Report and Label Creation
Offers Reception Report and SWL and Address Label creation
for obtaining QSLs from all kinds of stations beacons, hams, MW, SW, utilities,
and more.
Integration with eQSL.cc
Features integration with eQSL.cc for obtaining and processing
eQSLs from amateur radio operators. It includes the following Data Import,
Update, and Upload facilities:
- Import Log From ADIF (supports non-ham activities, too)
- Update From eQSL.cc Inbox
- Automatic Upload to eQSL.cc Outbox
- Batch Upload to eQSL.cc Outbox
Embedded Imaging Engine and Interfaces
You can use Improv Imaging™ to capture on your screen,
scan from your image scanner, and paste from the Clipboard images you want to
associate with log entries for viewing later such as screen captures of
stations received on digital applications and more.
You can use QSL Imaging™ to capture on your screen and
scan from your image scanner incoming QSL cards and electronic QSLs for viewing
Performance Reports of Your Monitoring Station
Offers Performance Reporting, an array of reports that let you gauge
the performance of your monitoring station. Reports can be viewed
locally or uploaded to the Web for remote access by you and your friends.
Integration with Optional Afreet DX Atlas
Produces azimuth plots from the Schedule Checker and pin maps
of data from Performance Reports. An auto-plot feature produces
simultaneous azimuth plots for all scheduled stations.
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