What it Does
DXtreme Station Log 15 SE lets
you log your contacts and make use of multimedia features that
will enhance your Amateur Radio operating experience. Its uncluttered,
yet powerful user interface features customizable font attributes and
foreground and background colors for entering and viewing data easily
throughout the program.
When you're finished with this product summary,
take a tour with Bob and
read our data sheet. Together,
they'll tell you everything about the product and show you some more
screen shots.
Finds the Stations You Need to Work
Its comprehensive, dual interface DX Spot Checker™
your choice of Rich Site Feed or Grid Feed
displays incoming spots and indicates whether you need to contact stations
for a new or verified:
DXCC entity
Band entity
Mode entity
VUCC grid
And it can alert you when a station you designate is spotted in the
Rich Site Feed or Grid Feed of the DX Spot Checker. Just
type or paste the desired call sign in the Alert box.
When the alert call sign is spotted, a selected WAV audio file plays
and the call sign, frequency, and time of the latest spot appears in the
adjacent text box. As usual, the spot also appears in the Rich Site Feed
or Grid Feed display.

Integration with optional Afreet Band Master also helps
you find stations to work via its unique graphical interface.
Acquires Solar Indices Information
The software acquires and displays Solar Indices on the Station Log and
DX Spot Checker menu bars automatically every thirty minutes ...

... and populates the editable SFI, Ap, and Kp boxes on
the Station Log window for saving with log entries. (Internet connection

You can run Performance, Stations, and Bands
reports against the solar data.
The Historic Solar Indices Update facility lets you update
log entries with solar data valid at the time of the QSOs (provided the QSOs took
place on or after January 1, 1997 and the information is available from NOAA).
Running an historic update is useful after performing an ADIF Import. It
is also useful if you were out in the wild, off the grid when logging.
Displays Propagation Predictions
Integration with optional Afreet Ham CAP provides the ability to
run short- and long-path propagation predictions from the
DX Spot Checker, Station Log window, and Entities module.
Processes JT Log Entries
As you know, WSJT-X and JTDX display worked-before indications
natively, letting you keep your eyes glued to their
interfaces while operating ... which is important when using quick modes
like FT4, FT8, and MSK144.
DXtreme Station Log supports WSJT-X and JTDX native worked-before
notifications by supplying data from your Station Log database and
providing convenient Station Log-centric logging
With the growing popularity of JS8, an extension of FT8 and an official
ADIF mode, DXtreme
Station Log supports logging from the JS8Call application.
Supports Logbook of the World
Station Log:
Provides your choice of
Automatic Uploads as log entries are added, complete
with capture and retention of LoTW QSO Record
Status, which indicates whether log entries made it to
the LoTW server okay.
Semiautomatic Uploads of log entries in batches,
also with capture and retention of LoTW QSO Record
Processes Incoming LoTW QSLs.
Displays the date and time LoTW users last updated their accounts.
Supports Club Log
Provides automatic Club Log record creation when adding and
modifying log entries, plus a batch record creation facility to get you
started with Club Log.
Provides Rig Control
Rig Control is supplied via optional integration with Afreet
Creates QSL and Address Labels
Allows you to produce outgoing QSL labels and Address labels for sending QSLs.
Supports Outgoing QSL Web Services
Makes it easy to send official QSL cards via a
third-party QSL bureau web site, such as QDure at:
Has an Embedded Imaging Engine and a Variety of Imaging Interfaces
Features Improv Imaging™ for capturing on your
screen, scanning from your image scanner, or pasting from the Clipboard
images you want to associate with log entries, such as:
Screen captures of stations worked on digital applications.
Ham CAP maps showing propagation conditions at the time of reception.
Pictures of ham gear or antennas used during contacts, and more.
Provides QSL Imaging™ for scanning, capturing,
exploring, and viewing incoming QSL cards, LoTW QSLs, and eQSLs.
Runs Analytics and Performance Reports
Features DXCC Analytics™ and WAS
Analytics™, two powerful tools for analyzing and enhancing
your DXCC and WAS standings, enabling you to quickly access the specific
log entries upon which you need to take some kind of action like
e-mailing hams or resending QSLs, etc. The Analytics tools also providew
lists of the DXCC entities and WAS states you still need.
Provides Performance Reporting, an array of DXCC, VUCC,
WAS, and other reports that can be viewed locally or uploaded to the Web for
remote access by you and your friends.
Integrates with Optional Afreet DX Atlas
Station Log's integration with optional Afreet DX
Atlas lets you perform azimuth plots from the DX Spot
Checker and produce grid and pin maps of report data.
Provides Generic and Exclusive Artificial Intelligence Features
An AI – Generic feature lets you create, save, and
paste desired prompts into your favorite AI client, such as Microsoft®
Windows® Copilot™, for acquiring information about any topic other than
instructions for using DXtreme Station Log 15 SE. This feature
is particularly useful for finding topics to discuss during a QSO.
Created by DXtreme Software, the AI - DXtreme GPT feature lets you
create, save, and paste specific prompts into DXtreme-SL15SE-GPT
(our Generative Pretrained Transformer, running in a dedicated ChatGPT®
web page1) for acquiring information about, and instructions
for using, DXtreme Station Log 15 SE.

1 To access and use
custom GPTs (like DXtreme-SL15SE-GPT) in ChatGPT, you must have a paid
subscription to ChatGPT Plus or greater. Refer to the OpenAI® ChatGPT Product
page at
https://www.openai.com for more information. There are many benefits to
having a subscription, beyond access to DXtreme-SL15SE-GPT.
AI – DXtreme GPT and DXtreme-SL15SE-GPT are
designed for use on Microsoft Windows 10 and Windows 11 only.
To Learn Even More